Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Moving On

Guest Blog by BHD's Twin Brother

I have enjoyed visiting with my brother for the past three weeks, and having my wife here with us for the past two weeks. It began with my retirement, and a great send-off from my colleagues at work. That's all behind me now.

My brother was concerned about what I will do now that I'm retired. Well, no worries, I was selected for a great job back in Europe with a company that does consulting in my specialty field. The new job will involve a move to Rome, Italy. My wife and I will be happy to return to her country of birth, and be closer to her family. Plus, I just love Rome. It is a fun, exciting, energetic, and vibrant city. We have secured a flat in the city close to public transit, markets, and international businesses with whom I will be working. The new job doesn't start until October, so we will have plenty of time to pack up our belongings from our small apartment in Paris and move.

This week (actually, yesterday), my wife and I took the train to New York City. We will visit family who live there and see some shows and the sights this week. My brother needs to return his full attention to his work, and now that we are assured that his partner is well on the road to recovery, I think they will enjoy some peace and quiet. He assures me that we have been non-intrusive, but I sense that they both would appreciate a return to a sense of normalcy in their home.

We will return on Friday and stay for the weekend, the last weekend of our visit to the U.S. Then we return to Paris next Monday. But before we begin packing up and moving to Rome, we will take two weeks to visit my wife's family in Northern Italy and take a holiday (second honeymoon) in Venice, where we were married.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this visit. It has been relaxed, comfortable, and fun. We did not plan to do anything but visit with family, see friends and (former) neighbors, including some of our high school classmates who still live in the area. Sometimes, the best vacation is one that is unplanned.

I will miss having my brother's physical presence when we leave. I have enjoyed watching him orchestrate the functions of his household, community activities, and riding his beloved Harley. He shows by his actions how much he cares for those in his circle -- especially his partner and our family, as well as his "senior pals". Man, I wish I had half his energy. (He claims it's all about scheduling and balancing time, but he makes it seem so darn effortless! Especially as he naturally switches speaking in Italian to my wife and me, in English with his partner, and in Spanish with some of his community group leaders. He's good, really good, with the languages.)

As my brother always says, life is short. Enjoy it, love it, and care for those you love. He's an amazing man, who I love with all of my heart.

Be well, bro'. See my smile each day, and feel my heart surrounding you.


1 comment:

  1. I miss you already, brother. It was great having you here, and you & your wife were no problem at all. We loved your good humor and intelligent discussions.

    Molte congratulazioni sul Suo lavoro nuovo a Roma. Io sono fiducioso Lei farà molto bene.

    We look forward to welcoming you and your wife back this weekend.


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