Friday, August 26, 2011

What I Do

Above is an image that predicts the amount of rainfall that will be generated from a major storm that will strike the U.S. East Coast starting today and through the weekend as the storm progresses north. Huge amounts of rain will fall in a large swath, and strong sustained winds will blow, too. The rain will cause massive flooding to already oversaturated land, streams, and rivers all the way up the (US Interstate Highway) I-95 corridor. Together, the wind and rain will likely cause a lot of damage and power outages.

Seems like New Jersey is going to be Ground Zero for the most intense effects of this storm. Having suffered severe flooding in March, and lots of rain hence, they're already saturated. It's going to be really, really bad.

I also worry about family and friends who live in the New England states (New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine) who are generally not prepared for a hurricane. Indications are that they will get socked by this one big-time.

Concerned as I am, I called my brother who was in New York City and advised him and his wife to high-tail it back home immediately. Glad I did: Amtrak has canceled train service effective Friday and for the rest of the weekend. My brother and his wife got the last of the few tickets left for a train back to DC on Thursday. They are safe with us now in our storm-prepared home (that we will not have to evacuate because it is well-built and on high ground, far inland from any bodies of water.)

This is a peek into what I do for a living: I explain this stuff so it makes sense to people and so they can prepare themselves, their loved-ones, and their communities and prevent injury, death, and lessen damage.

Just so 'ya know. This is what I do.

If you live in the areas of the U.S. that will be affected by this storm, pay attention and take steps to prepare. It will be rough. Read this and Get ready NOW! Read this to keep informed.

Life is short: be prepared.

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