Thursday, October 20, 2011

Engaging Activities

Reporting from (near) Seattle...

I am having meetings all this week at a federal agency facility north of Seattle. Kinda funny -- each time I enter the facility, my cowboy boots set off the metal detector at the door. I just turn to the guard and say, "it's the boots" and he laughs and lets me go through.

The meeting that I am engaged in facilitating is going very well. So well in fact that we're getting done earlier than anticipated. I expect that we will be "done" for the day today (Thursday) by noon-ish.

I will be picked up by a friend who is a local big-wig in my profession. We will have lunch and then she and another friend and I will go into the City of Seattle and be touristy. Unfortunately, the weather is degrading, so I expect some rain during the only time I can go play tourist. But that's okay -- it's the company that is most important.

I transfer locations to support another all-day meeting on Friday at a laboratory where research is done about hazards that can happen on U.S. coastlines. After the thrill of the conference is over, another friend (a former student of mine 25 years ago) who is a big-wig now in her own right will pick me up and take me to dinner with her partner. I will enjoy catching up with this friend who I have admired and supported for so many years.

I will stay at a hotel close to the airport so it will be quicker and easier for me to catch my very early return flight home on Saturday morning. I can't wait to return home to my man and get my life back into its usual routine.

One benefit or shall I say, consequence, of facilitating a meeting well is that I have been invited to return to speak at two more events next year back on the West Coast -- in California and Oregon. Sure... happy to help. It's what I do.

Life is short: be engaged and love what you do!

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