Friday, November 4, 2011

Hilarious Internet Search

Readers of my blog know that I look at how people find this blog, and I often comment on some of the more interesting search results -- some of them are serious, and some are downright silly.  Here is an example of the latter:

Yep, you read it right -- the inquiry was, "how many pairs of jeans does a cow make?

I just about died laughing when I read this. Man, I wish we could train cows to make clothing. Just think about it, if we could train cows to make boots from their hides, we could cut out a lot of the middlemen. LOL!

I dunno -- how many pairs of jeans can a cow make? I guess it depends on how well the cow is trained.

Okay, okay, perhaps the inquiry was more serious, but left out a word. "How many pairs of leather jeans can be made from one cow?" -- perhaps that was the real question. That answer: it varies. One large hide from a side of a cow can be used to make a pair of jeans, with pieces left over for other, smaller garments. But I do not know for certain. I have not learned enough about the process to obtain hides from cows to make leather gear.

Life is short: wear leather, whether garments from it are made by cows or their trained people.

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