Monday, November 14, 2011

Read More>>

Sometimes I am late to the party, mostly because I am what is known as a "slow adopter." I look at various technologies closely before deciding what to do about them -- implement, delay, or ignore. Finally, after two years, I have implemented a rather simple technology here on this blog -- used on many other blogs -- called a "jump break."

A jump break is simply a method of writing a leading paragraph or two, then inserting a small code snippet, which creates a "read more>>" link when the blog post is published. Then whatever I have to say in more length follows that.

You will not see the "read more" link if you visit the blog post directly, such as through the blog feed connected to the What's New section of my website, or by using a standard RSS feed, or through the "Google Friend Connect" feature that some of you have signed up for.

However, if you visit what I call "the main blog," then you should see a leading paragraph or two for each of the last ten blog stories I have posted, followed by the words "read more>>" which is a link to the rest of that particular post. If the leading paragraph intrigues you to read more, then click on the link. If it doesn't, you can continue scanning through the rest of my blog to see if any of the daily stories interest you, and read more of the posts in which you are interested.

I know that I write about a lot of different things on this blog -- from boots and leather to gay issues and masculinity, family, daily life, my partner, motorcycling, and in general, the life of a community-connected, family-oriented, senior-attention-giving, Harley-riding, city-avoiding, frugal, monogamously partnered masculine gay man. I know that not all of my posts are interesting to all of my readers.

That's okay. It's my blog. I appreciate it when I write something that appeals to you and you let me know by commenting on this blog or sending me a message. While this blog doesn't generate a lot of comments or messages, I don't fret. I have various statistical tracking methods to know that my average readership is increasing, now about 1,050 per day. Not bad! (But it's also interesting to note that more than 90% of visitors to this blog find it through a search engine, rather than coming here directly.)

Blogging is an interesting hobby and I enjoy writing. It helps me vent a little bit, share a lotta bit, and remains fun. (It better be, with this post being #1,350!)

Thanks for reading and following my crazy notions about life, happiness, and my eclectic and various interests.

Life is short: Read more!

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