Saturday, December 24, 2011

Family Christmas

Okay, I know I said the other day that I wouldn't be back until after Christmas, but I had to post this photo that was taken yesterday. Great Uncle BHD with his twin great nephews....

I rode my Harley on Friday to visit them. 100 mile round-trip in 48F (9C) temperatures. The sun was supposed to come out, but it didn't. Kinda chilly, but manageable in full leathers and tall boots which kept me warm.

The ride home wasn't nearly as cold as the ride on the way there due to the warmth in my heart from time spent with my family. I am so lucky to have the family that I have. Warm, generous, loving, thoughtful, and caring people who warm my heart every minute of every day.

Fortunately, my partner is stable, but still not well... but he was able to rest at home and I felt secure enough that I could leave for a half-day to visit family and that he would be okay (and that his mother would keep an eye on him.)

Merry Christmas to all... see you after the holiday!

Life is short: show those you love that you love them.

1 comment:

  1. Man, those guys are growing so much! I wish I could be with you this Christmas. Looks like you had a great visit! I'm sure you gave our great nephews some suggestions about how to be twins (and drive Mommy and Daddy crazy... giggle).

    Merry Christmas, brother, with all my heart. Sempre e ore,



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