Sunday, February 19, 2012

Weird Winter

I am not complaining... we have had such an unusually warm winter, it's been "riding season" all year long. Yesterday, it reached 57°F (14°C)... again, quite unusual for mid-February in the DC area. Just imagine, two years ago we were under mountains of snow!

After catching up on some much-needed rest yesterday, I put on my retro biker chaps, an old leather jacket, Chippewa ostrich motorcycle boots, and motored over to Mary's home.

Mary is a fun-loving septuagenarian who wanted to go for a ride on my Harley, and make a "big splash" as she called it by arriving at the grocery store on the back of my bike at about the same time that she knew some other friends were going to be shopping there.

So I picked her up and got to the store at 2:30pm, arriving at the same time as her friends, as well as her minister from church.

There I am just being a regular ol' biker with the most fun-loving "biker chick" on the back of my bike. It was a lot of fun. Kinda broke up my day from worries at home, while my partner was resting and being looked after by another senior pal, Anna.

Sorry, no photos of me with Mary... while she is adventuresome, I'm not sure how she would feel about showing up on a gay biker's blog. The photo above was indeed taken yesterday, though... which proves my point that it was warm enough to ride in "mid-level" leathers.

Names were changed to protect the innocent LOL!

Life is short: show those you love how you love them, and fulfill dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Weird Winter: Here in the NC mountains it was 64 degrees on Tuesday. Took my bike, with my old retro chaps and jacket and road up to Beech Mt. ski resort. Enjoyed watching the skiers come down the mountain wearing shorts,while I watched from the back of the bike! Thought about going over to the Blue Ridge Parkway and riding home that way. Had my electric vest on but not plugged in. Electric gloves were in the saddle bags. Had already been riding several times over the winter. Did about 40 miles on the Parkway Christmas Day. It was a comfortable 40 degrees. As long as it's not wet, I'll ride when it gets as low as 30.
    Enjoy the rest of the winter and hope your partner recovers.


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