Friday, January 25, 2008

Cold weather blahs

Welcome to the first post on my blog. I tried to get it to work directly on my Booted Harleydude website, but couldn't figure out how to make it work (I kept getting failure errors) and unfortunately, the Google Blogger's help feature was helpless (or useless, or both).

Typical of what I do when I work on my website, I'm sitting in the basement working on my laptop while my partner has the TV on. I'm multitasking while he listens to all that blather on TV, which is even more mundane since the writers are on strike. Yuck, I don't like TV.

Meanwhile, learning to blog is something new to do while it's absolutely freezing cold outside and I can't be out riding my Harley.... sigh. But then again, I really don't ride at night if I can avoid it. Bikes are invisible enough in broad daylight.

Oh well, more later... just trying to see how this works. If you find this blog, leave me a reply so I know it's working.

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