Saturday, January 26, 2008

Daily life in boots and leather

Sometimes some guys have asked me about living in boots and leather. Some people seem to be concerned about what other people might say or think. I guess that's why I consider myself lucky to live in a large metropolitan area, and in a county composed mostly of forward-thinking progressive people who don't try to force others to conform to narrow moralistic points of view.

Thus, on Saturday as I head out to pick up some grapefruit at the local Catholic church's monthly sale, take my elderly aunt grocery shopping, and then go kick some tires on a new Harley that I'm thinking about buying, I have on my really comfy "naked leather" jeans and my Chippewa firefighter boots as shown in this pic. I've got on a t-shirt and flannel shirt, and will wear a parka. It's still below freezing. I will likely switch to my warm leather jacket and vest later today when I go to the Harley dealer. Living in boots and leather? No sweat. Really, nobody notices and most could care less.

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