Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Getting out the vote

Today I have been given the day off work to volunteer during our state's primary elections. I pick up seniors and drive them to the voting polls, and then bring them home. I have 100 people on my list throughout the day for whom I will be providing transportation.

How am I dressed? Jeans, parka (it's cold!), and my Chippewa Firefighter Boots. Comfortable boots with a great Vibram sole will get a workout today.

While I won't be electioneering (persuading for a particular candidate), I will be advocating for the "decline to sign" campaign. Homophobic jerks in our county are attempting to scare senior citizens into signing a petition to bring a transgendered bill that was passed by our county to referendum in November. If these backwards-thinking ding-dongs have their way, they will collect enough signatures to require voters to affirm or deny our county's anti-bias bill that was passed unanimously, and cause a big civil rights fight this November. These thoughtless dumb-dumbs should fail in their quest to acquire enough signatures, and I'll do my best to educate my friends to decline to sign.

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