Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Booted for slick roads and walks

Winter never seems to be lacking the ability to surprise. Late yesterday afternoon, the temperatures were just below freezing and it began to rain. Thus, every drop that fell froze. That made for treacherous conditions on walkways and roads. Because of that, they suspended the operations to pick up seniors to bring them to vote, because nobody wants anyone to suffer a fall.

After spending a few more hours countering the nit-wit homophobes who were spreading misinformation and lies in order to scare seniors into signing a petition to bring a transgendered anti-discrimination bill to a referendum (promoting the "Decline to Sign" efforts), I went home, had a late dinner, and called it a night.

This morning, the ice build-up had caused intermittent power outages, the schools and federal government were on a two-hour delay, and I thought we'd have a heck of a commute. But we left at our usual oh-dark-30 time and it was no problem getting to Metro. Unfortunately, the power was out at the Metro garage, but I always carry a flashlight in my briefcase, so I was all set. Beats the yuppies trying to use their cell phones as mini-flashlights. Metro ran on time and I was at work early!

Boots I've got on today? Chippewa Firefighter Boots are very comfortable, look good (especially since I gave 'em a shine yesterday), and have a great tread sole to provide traction in wet and slick weather. They also look good with dressier clothes that I wear to work.

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