Thursday, February 14, 2008

My valentine

Today is a Happy Valentine's Day. A very happy one indeed because I have the pleasure of sharing the 14th of February for the 14th Valentine's Day we've been together with the man of my life, my love, my very own Valentine. This man means the world to me. His love, compassion, intelligence, romance ... all are so very special. He has a great head for finance, is solid and strong, reliable, and caring. He has a gentle side which is quite adorable, especially as I see him care for me, his mother, and the creatures in our forest. My mere words on this little blog can not express how very much I love him with all of my heart and soul. BikerBeef, BuffTuff, or whatever he goes by on-line, is merely an expression, and I am so very fortunate to have the "real deal" each and every day as we enjoy our home, our families, and our lives together. What a treasure it is to have my very own Valentine's Day, each day I get to look deep into my partner's eyes and say, "I Love You A Whole Much!"

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