Saturday, April 5, 2008

Harness Boots Rule!

I just spent a few days in Pittsburgh for a meeting at which a number of bikers attended. It was interesting, with about 600 men and about 100 women in attendance. They came from the mid-Atlantic and Northeastern U.S.

Half the men wore sneakers. Yuck. About 10% wore shoes. Yuck. The remaining men wore boots -- and almost without exception, they were wearing black harness boots. Most of the boots were of the Harley brand, but there were others in the mix as well.

Of course, there were leather vests with pins and patches galore, myself included. No other leather anywhere to be seen.

We stayed at my partner's mother's home. My partner is hanging on for a few more days while I got a ride back in a car with some friends. I didn't ride my Harley up there -- the weather was unsuitable and the ride a bit too long for me. Plus, my partner can't ride as my passenger at the moment, so it was just as well that I got a ride up there with him in his car. I'm glad to be back home.

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