Monday, April 7, 2008

Joy II

I write today again about joy, and the joy that sincere friendship brings to me. How I am enlightened, learn, and laugh with a great friend who I met through "Boots On Line" (a website where guys who are into boots like me exchange messages and share non-risque photos.)

This friend is a very warm-hearted soul, and smart as the dickens. He is a CPA by profession, and a well-rounded, well-read man by practice. I have learned a lot from him and look forward to many more regular exchanges (mostly by email) in the years to come.

What I treasure about this friend is that he is nonjudgmental, very willing to share his knowledge and expertise about things that I love to learn about, and that he's dependable, reliable, and exceptionally trustworthy. I know, it sounds like I'm describing the proverbial Boy Scout. My friend wouldn't be accepted by the Scouts because he's gay; but that's another story.

I value most that my friend has had a partner for some 20 years, and he, like me, is faithful and monogamous with the man in his life. It is quite possible to have friends and admire them deeply, yet not compromise your commitment to your partner. My friend does that, and respects that I do that too.

What joy, what blessings, what great treasure I have. Now, I'm humming in my head, the tune by Andrew Gold, Thank you for Being a Friend. (This friend in particular is musically-oriented, so it's quite appropriate now that I close with this tune in my mind).

Life is short, wear your boots, but most of all, love your friends!

1 comment:

  1. My dear friend,

    Words fail me. Which is a rarity, so enjoy it while you can, LOL! Seriously, I don't know how to thank you for your kind words. One of the best parts of my day is getting a message from you, and I too look forward to a rest-of-a-lifetime of that.

    You have been so patient with me. You have taught me so much. I truly am a better person for having had you as a friend. Some of the good you see in me is really a reflection of the good in you.

    As my beloved Supreme Florence Ballard sang in one of her solo songs, "A bell ain't a bell until you ring it, a song ain't a song until you sing it... Baby, life ain't life until you live it, and love ain't love until you give it." And as we know, the more love you give away, the more you get...

    Peace and many hugs,

    Robert (utbr)


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