Sunday, April 6, 2008


I realize that I am truly blessed. I have a wonderful, steady, reliable, and best friend in my partner. I have a great family, the huge raucous bazillion of 'em. What blesses me more is having a few but truly great friends.

Pictured with me here is my buddy, close friend, and gorgeous man, AZLeatherExplorer. He has some pics posted on my website, at his request and my delight.

This man is such a wonderful human being. He has a terrific sense of humor, warm empathy, and is so honest that the vast majority of others can learn from his integrity. What I love most about this man is his heart. He cares so deeply about his family, and goes to great lengths and expense to show it. He demonstrates his love in many ways to many others. I am truly blessed to have him as one of my closest, dearest, friends. What a treasure it is to know someone so special. God has brought us someone who lives in His light, and who shares the joys and pleasures of His love with us through all that my buddy does for me, for his family, and for everyone he encounters.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...Sometimes you don't know the effect you have on someone or some situation. How humbled am I by what you said. I just try and live the Golden Rule e veryday, and am awestruck by the light in which you hold silly ol' me! This from a person that to me exemplifies a true mentor and someone in which to emulate. I have high standards for myself, (and many times for others, which gets me in trouble!), but here is a man who CONTINUALLY amazes me as being a servant of God to all in his caring, warmth, time and goodness. And before it gets too mushy (requiring a sturdy pair of boots!), here's a crazy twist: His dear partner and I were born in the very same hospital in western PA... (ok, I a few years later - sorry C, couldn't resist!).

    BHD=Joy for so many, and I am one of the fortunate few. Thank you!


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