Monday, June 9, 2008

Bama's Boots Now a Biker's Boots

This 18" Wesco Harness Boot and its right mate just arrived today, sent to me by a buddy whose photographic skill and wit have become legend on "Boots on Line" -- the infamous "Bamaboy."

"Bama" has taken these boots on lots of "adventures," mostly in dirt, clay, and mud. One of Bama's photos of these boots enjoying one of those "adventures" is below. But he cleaned up the boots well, didn't he? I'll have to go play in them sometime, so they won't think they've missed much. But these boots will also go riding on my Harley, as well.

I have enjoyed getting to know Bama. He is a smart, down-to-earth, and fun man with an engaging wit. I am honored to call him a friend, and appreciate that he gave me "first dibs" on purchasing a pair of his boots as he will be thinning his collection to make room for more that suit his current tastes and interests.

Bama, I know you'll read this, so let me say, publicly, thanks a lot! Your boots will live on long on this Biker's feet.


  1. man, you are way too kind in your comments. thank you. i hope you enjoy your newly used boots as much as i did. remember.... they require mud on a regular basis. : - )


  2. WOW!!! I have followed BOL for years (I'll be appearing soon) and can' believe what I just read! You lucky, lucky thing! WOW! A lovely pair of Wescos... What size is he/you? Wow! Wonder how I can persuade him to let a pair come this side of the pond. WOW :-) Congratulations :-) (How do they feel? :-) )

  3. Hey David (and BHD hope you don't mind this shameless comment) but You have the HOTTEST boots :-) Boy areyour pics hot :-) If you're ever looking to relocate any others there's a 30 year old Boot boy (man maybe?) here in the UK who would love to help you out! WOW! :-)


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