Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hangin' in the Heat

I went skydiving with friends today on Maryland's Eastern Shore. The photo shown here is of me taken years ago. Unfortunately, today in my haste to get out of the house to ride over to meet my buddies, I forgot my camera! I'm waiting for a bud to send me some of the pics that he took.

I used to go skydiving almost every weekend from May - October for years. As I have aged, and have a partner who can't enjoy this sport, I don't go skydiving as often. It's a young man's activity. Also, it's just darned expensive. Fuel for airplanes is more expensive than fuel for cars.

It was so hot today -- about 95°F (35°C) -- that the heat rising from the land was rising faster than my rate of descent after I deployed my 'chute to its full extension, so I rose in altitude for a while, and just "hung around" enjoying the view (what I could see of it through the haze). When I was over my DZ (drop zone), I pulled in the flaps, and slowly drifted down. I landed right on the spot I intended, each and every time.

I had an enjoyable day, hangin' out in the cloudless sky.

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