Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bike Cops Speak

Since my Guide to Motorcycle Police Patrol Boots has been linked from two major internet sites this week -- one that is read regularly by motor officers and one that is read by those who enjoy boots -- I have seen the visits to that page on my website soar. Yesterday, I had an all-time high of website visits with over 3,400 unique visitors.

That's fairly astounding. These visits have generated some email. A few message excerpts follow (names are withheld to protect the innocent):

Hey, man, for a non-bike cop you really know your boots! Thanks for putting all the information together. It's helpful.
I'm amazed and impressed. This is one of the best and most fair comparisons of motor patrol boots I have read in ages -- and I have been buying boots and uniform equipment for [location] motor unit for years
It is good to see the various listings of boots. It is helping us decide what to get for our outfit's next major purchase
Your video helped, but the quality could be better. Email me back. Our county could do a better-quality video and perhaps some of our officers could be in it. Let's talk
yes sir, officer! That sounds great!

An honest one, which I expected:
...glad you admit that you're not a cop. I hate pretenders
Yep, I've never claimed to be something I'm not. I do, however, appreciate your hard work and thank you for your service to your community.

And here's another, which I found a bit funny though tongue-in-cheek:
for a gay guy, you know your boots. Nice pics.
Hmmm... "for a gay guy"... I guess that's cop speak for thinking that "us gay guys" may not know that much about boots (or anything else.) I'm still scratching my head over that one.

Finally, this last one which I really appreciated:
Interesting web page. I've worn Dehners for years and until I read one of your messages earlier this year, I didn't even think of getting Chippewa boots. I got a pair this summer. They're much more comfortable. The other guys on my squad have been switching out, too. The Chippewa boots are just as easy to keep clean as Dehners, and don't crack (like you said happens.) Keep up the good work. I have shared your web page with lots of others on a motor cop forum that I post messages on. You are helping more cops than you may realize. [sent by a Sergeant in a motor unit in California].

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