Thursday, November 20, 2008


So here's the back of my newly reorganized garage. My bike, a few of my less-often-worn boots (mostly Fryes), my biker jackets and most-frequently-worn chaps. The boot storage is relatively new. I wrote a step-by-step instruction guide on this storage method which was posted on the website, here.

The motorcycle helmets (I have several) are inside the house. I don't want gas vapors from my truck or my partner's car to damage the helmet lining, which many reputable motorcycle magazines and experts have warned about.

I mentioned in a blog post the other day that my partner and I spent some time reorganizing the back of the garage so I can park my bike back there. I'm glad that worked out, so my Harley is warm and snug against winter's wrath, but remains available should I want to go out for a ride when weather permits. I have, however, discontinued using my bike to ride to the Metro in the morning. It has just been too blasted cold.

Before I put the bike in it's new storage area, it got a good washing. Lingering dirt and road spray could lead to premature dulling of the paint, or worse: rust. The battery is on its trickle charger. The fuel is stabilized. My lovely Harley is in its "winter nap" mode. sigh....

I have been "accused" sometimes of being over-organized. I guess that comes from leading a multi-tasking life. I have to be well-organized to get everything done and be everywhere I need to be! But ask my partner -- he will tell you honestly -- if I didn't have my head screwed on, I would probably lose it. Thank goodness for calendars and lists (and his patience). I'm not one to use one of those technological gadgets such as a PDA or Blackberry. I'd probably lose it, and resent paying monthly service fees to keep rich companies richer. Plain old lists work fine for me. (Some day I'll blog about my sticky-note office!)

I guess you could say that my website is evidence of my being hyper-organized. If that's the case, well, so be it. At least I know what I have, what I like, and where it is! For the real evidence of my personal organization, though, just watch me at a public hearing sometime....

Have an organized day!

1 comment:

  1. The garage looks great! I'm envious. Never apologize for being organized--for me, it's a complete turn-on, ha-ha!

    And it has been too blasted cold for much more than a ride around the corner. I'm hoping things warm up a bit in my neck of the woods.


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