Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Unicorn

I grabbed this photo off the 'net, but I swear it looks just like a deer in our back yard. We call him our "uni-deer". He comes over and eats the food that we put out for the birds, squirrels, and other fuzzy critters.

He is a timid sort, as white-tailed deer go. He takes off the moment he senses stirring from our house. I have not been able to get close enough to take my own photo of the cute little guy.

I often see him by himself... perhaps he has been shunned by the other deer who make fun of him for being different, much like the reindeer wouldn't let Rudolph play in their reindeer games.

I saw him again this morning, after my partner put out the morning buffet. As we were doing housecleaning in the family room which has a view of the back yard, we both looked out the windows and saw him munching away with the birds and squirrels scattered around. Then I think he "felt" us watching. He looked in our direction, then lunged over the stream and bolted down the deer path.

That got me started singing The Unicorn Song that was made popular by the Irish Rovers. (You can read the lyrics here.) My partner is rolling his eyes and hoping that I'll change my tune. LOL! I tend to sing dumb little songs like that while doing mundane work, much to my partner's dismay. (I don't sing quite on key whatsoever.)

Anyway, a nice diversion as we proceed with a thorough scrubbing of the inside of our house, releasing those dust bunnies to the wild.

Have a joyful day!

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