Sunday, November 23, 2008

What Is It With Pakistani Leather Vendors?

In the past week, I have received numerous emails like this:

message: Dear Sir,
We are feeling proud to introduce our company named as (x). Our company is working since 1995. We are specialized in making following goods.
1. Leather Wears
2. Motorbike Wears
3. Textile Wears
5. Gloves Collection
6. Leather Accessories
7. Leather

From what I can tell, the message sender is trying either to get me to serve as a third-party retailer in the U.S. for their goods, or just buy their goods directly.

I'm sure that they figure that a guy like me who has a fair amount of leather gear that I wear for motorcycling and just around might be one of those "rich Americans" who would buy stuff from them. But I wasn't born yesterday. Despite their claims, leather from Pakistan is of inferior quality. I have seen it over the years, and can tell from its thin and uneven surfaces, rough splits, blemishes, and other visible signs that the leather isn't nearly the top-grain quality that one would find at dealers such as Northbound, 665leather, or Mr S. (For more details about choosing leather gear, read the Leather Gear Guide on my website.)

They find me by surfing the web, landing on my "leather gear" page, then finding my "write to me" page. I can see how they enter my website and then zero in on finding a way to send me one of their poorly-written proposals.

I'm not sure if it will work, but I found a website called "block a country" that generates code to install on websites that will, I hope, divert visits from anyone in Pakistan. Seriously, I am NOT interested in any leather gear from Pakistan! I have quite enough, thank you. I am really not planning to buy any more leather gear at all from anyone. I have other things of much higher priority on which to spend my limited discretionary funds.

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