Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Givin' Some Lovin'

Here are two things I say often, and mean it:

Love is the only thing you get more of the more you give it away.

Life is short: show those you love that you love them.

One can show love by listening to and caring about his wide circle. I celebrate the accomplishments, opportunities, fun, and friendship of several people I hold close in my heart:
  • Maf, for earning his Master's Degree, a challenging task that he achieved through hard work and dedication.

  • Bruce_Sg for doing so well on his GREs that several graduate programs are interested in him and competing for him to select their school for his doctoral work. And commendations to him for being prudent in making that very important selection!

  • "K" who is writing his doctoral paper diligently, though is taking a well-deserved vacation out west shortly. I enjoy emailing with him almost daily, and have learned so much. Have a wonderful trip!

  • My best friend "AZ," for achieving a significant goal that he set out to do: buy a home of his own. Nothin' makes you feel as wonderful as owning your own place.

  • My "booted twin" Clay who has made a very difficult decision in his life and is moving forward -- making lemonade out of lemons. I support you, buddy!

  • My buddy "G" from Ohio who just co-led a celebration of his parent's 50th wedding anniversary. He and his family are so blessed to share the joy of a golden anniversary.

  • Paul who reads my blog daily and sends me a message about what he thinks about what I wrote each and every day. May all bloggers have such a loyal following!

  • A cousin who had always wanted a Harley, but couldn't afford it. He set up a savings account, and over six years, contributed enough that enabled him to pay cash for his new ride. I can't wait to go ride with him sometime soon.

  • "H", a childhood friend, who worked hard to put a mountain of debt behind her, avoid declaring personal bankruptcy, and finally pay off all of her bills. It took nine years, but was well worth it.

  • "Z" and "B", mentees and friends, who will be sworn in as our country's newest citizens on the Fourth of July. They worked hard to pass their citizenship test, and deserve this recognition for achieving a goal of seven and eight years, respectively. They care for their families, work and pay taxes to contribute to society, and demonstrate what the "American Dream" is all about. I'm so happy for them. (I'll be there waving the flag on the Fourth of July!)

  • "A", my new riding buddy who has been practicing his motorcycle skills and has put on 3,000 miles on his bike in just three months. Way to go!

  • Sue, a fellow bloggin' pal, who in about two weeks is returning home to Australia. She has been sharing joy and stories of visits with family and rides on her Harley that are a delight to read. I hope she continues her blogging when she returns Down Under, as she is a talented and interesting writer.

  • My partner, who has been so incredibly patient with his overly-demanding mother. Much more now than ever. God bless him.

  • Bama, who honored me recently by spending time with me, havin' a little fun huntin' for mud (and only finding dust), and saying that he was fortunate to meet me. Let me tell 'ya, the fortune was all mine.

  • Mrs. "L" for finally getting her crazy tax situation worked out with the state, and getting not only a huge refund but a letter of apology! (I kinda coached her on how and to whom to kvetch.)

  • Mr. "T", who at age 90, walked four miles yesterday morning! Bless his soul!
Life is short: celebrate the achievements of others, and show 'em some lovin'!

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