Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ready to Navigate

I blogged not that long ago about the fact that I get lost in a paper bag. That is, my navigation skills while driving are not all that good. I decided not to offer to lead a ride for my club for the specific reason of being afraid that I would lose the group by taking a wrong turn. I had tried to ride the route in advance, but got lost.

My partner is a reader and a thinker. He is also a great listener. For the umpteenth time, he heard me share my concerns about getting lost while leading rides. In his considerate style, he put thoughts to action and bought me a top-of-the-line GPS unit, specifically designed for motorcycle use. He said it was an early birthday present (my b/d is six weeks from now).

That man of mine is so thoughtful. He applies what he hears to action, and makes it happen. While I am apprehensive about distracted driving, I am assured that when used properly, it will aid me in my navigation. It has a voice feature that when connected to an earphone will allow it to "tell" me the turns, so I don't have to stare at the GPS' screen.

I had arranged to drop off my bike for regular service on Monday evening. My partner followed me so he could take me home. That's when he gave me the GPS, right there in the car. He suggested that I have my mechanic install it while the bike was being serviced.

When I picked up the bike, the GPS was installed and working. I punched "home" and tested it ... and it took me on the precise route that I usually drive between the shop and my home. It worked great!

Isn't my man thoughtful? Now, no complaints from me in getting lost. And no complaints about spending a lot of time on what my partner wants done: our home renovations.

Life is short: show those you love that you love them.

1 comment:

  1. You'll love the GPS, I know I do
    Till the day comes you test it through
    A turn to the left when it says right
    And it will nag at you with all its might
    Make a U-turn whenever you can, it will say
    Doing it means you can't change your mind and go another way
    But stay with it to lands far and foreign
    And you'll arrive happy and not crestfallen


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