Friday, July 3, 2009

Three Day Weekend

Tomorrow, my country will be 233 years old. Happy Birthday, America!

Because our Independence Day Holiday, July 4, falls on Saturday, we get the Friday before off of work. Today begins a three-day holiday! Yippie!

Well, I should be saying "yippie," but "the list" at home is huge. However, I promised as recently as yesterday that I would embrace my partner's non-ending "honey-do list" and not complain.

Instead, if you see me out and about today, I will be smiling. I promise! Despite warm, sunny, motorcycle-friendly weather, I'll be driving in a cage from place-to-place-to-place, shopping for carpet, kitchen countertops, appliances, resilient flooring, and other stuff on my partner's list of required materials for home renovation.

My partner "sees" what he thinks would fit our budget, our space, and our lifestyle in his mind. My trick is to translate his "vision" to actual by visiting stores with him and looking at and touching various items. So while you're enjoying the first day of your holiday, imagine me dragging from store to store all day long. So help me... of the many things I dread, shopping is about #1 on the list. But I promised! Smile! No complaining!

Further, I "negotiated" by agreeing to give up all day today to assuage my partner's shopping demands in exchange for having most of the day tomorrow to do something really special. Check back tomorrow to find out!

Life is short: show those you love that you love them! (by relinquishing your soul to the shopping-devil!)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Independence Day. And most of all, try to enjoy shopping.

    Shock retail therapy can work wonders - I know. I blew over $200 in less than 20 minutes in Century 21 in NYC some years back because I was feeling pissed after endless numbers of work-related meetings (for which I was the notetaker).

    I feel better after that, even though all I bought were CK undies. :)


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