Thursday, July 2, 2009

Commute from Hell

This week, our Metrorail system is still in major recovery mode from the June 22 crash. Trains stop without notice, slug along slowly, and are crowded as heck. I spoke with a member of Metro's Board of Directors about it, and he foretold no end in sight. He also reminded me that the crowds are compounded not only with regular commuters, but holiday visitors to Washington, DC.

Today I decided to ride my Harley to work, located in downtown DC on Capitol Hill. I found a great place where I can park safely and for free. The ride there at 5:30am was a piece of cake. The ride home, however, was the commute from hell. I had completely forgotten how awful our traffic is, even earlier in the afternoon. It took me 1:45 to get home. Usually I make it door-to-door in 45 minutes. My feet were really hot (I wore Chip Hi-Shines)... I swear I poured out a liter of sweat from each boot when I pulled them off my feet and wrung out the socks! Air-cooled 1600cc engines get awfully hot in stop-and-stop traffic.

Oh well, I tried... and now remember that driving in the city is no fun (even on a Harley), with the frequent stops at traffic lights and the bumper-to-bumper traffic. On Monday, after our holiday weekend, I am returning to Metro, despite its delays.

And the GPS? ... not good for the city. It kept telling me to turn on streets that I know "don't go there." Not a good day overall. Here's hoping to have an early "snuggle night" tonight, where I will relax in my partner's arms, listen to music, and just relax. That will prepare me for the day-o'-shoppin' comin' up tomorrow. Check back!

Life is short: hmmm... longer I guess if you're stuck in traffic!

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