Monday, October 19, 2009

765 Safer Homes

All day on Sunday, I carried out my annual project to ensure seniors remain safe: a cadre of some 70 volunteers and I visited 544 homes and replaced 700 batteries in their smoke alarms (some homes had more than one smoke alarm). We also replaced 65 smoke alarms that were over ten years old, which is the recommendation for when a smoke alarm should be completly replaced.

Two major home supplies retailers donated the batteries and smoke alarms. Another major restaurant chain donated pizzas for the volunteers who shared a joyful lunch with some local dignitaries who thanked our donors, the volunteers, and celebrated Fire Prevention Month. We appreciate the donations, even though we got 300 less batteries this year than last. (Honestly, due to the crappy economy, I was really worried that the donations would not come through this year.)

Being "football oblivious," I had forgotten that the local football team was playing on Sunday afternoon. That's why most of my volunteers wanted to work an "early shift." That's okay, it made for a much quicker and lighter afternoon. It was funny, when I went to an elderly man's home to swap his smoke alarm's battery, he thanked me several times for coming, and it was only when I was leaving that I realized why he was thanking me so much. He closed with, "I know you could be watching the game with your buddies, but instead, you're doing this. Thank you!" I didn't have the heart to tell him that I don't care for football and did not even realize that there was a game being played, until someone told me about it.

What did I wear? I "went brown" since it is Autumn -- brown sweatshirt, brown leather jeans, and my tall brown Wesco harness boots. Once again... I heard no comments about the leather, though one younger guy volunteering with us asked me about the boots. (Another Stompers referral!)

Due to his disability, my partner didn't run around to do installations with me, but instead, remained at the check-in site making sure the volunteers were all accounted for and had the supplies, directions, and release forms that they needed.

We were all done by mid-day. It was time to come home and have some hot chocolate. Man, even though it finally stopped raining, it was cold all day! My partner and and I were completely wiped out, but we felt great about doing this important civic volunteer work. Once again, everyone rallied to a great cause and carried out a huge project superbly, just like they did last year. It really makes me smile and feel good to know that so many people are safer.

Life is short: replace your smoke alarm batteries today!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about football, BHD. Saturday was the Friends Of Coal Bowl which is when our two big college football teams (Marshall and WVU) play against each other. My sister and two young nieces watched that game vigilantly. I, however, only watched a little bit of the game before I lost interest.


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