Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bike Cop Surprise

After work yesterday, I got on my Harley at the Metro station and began my ride home, as usual. I stopped at the light near the station, signaling a left turn. When it turned green, I carefully executed the turn. Knowing that the next light would be red due to the timing of the traffic signals, I proceeded slowly and stopped at that light. When it turned green, I slowly accelerated and maintained a steady pace until I reached my cross-street, where signaled and turned left. I stopped again at the next light. Then when it changed to green, I slowly accelerated until I reached my street, signaled, and turned right.

It was then that I noticed a bike cop riding behind me. I thought to myself, "what did I do?" which is a natural reaction, even though I know that I was riding well within the speed limit and didn't run a red light.

I stopped, and the cop pulled up next to me. He smiled and said, "I followed you from the Metro as I was headed out this way anyway. I thought I would tell you that I thought you were the most graceful motorcycle rider I have seen in a long time."


Who, me? "graceful?" The guy who would trip over his own shadow if it were possible? Who trips himself walking on a flat sidewalk with no obstacles? Who calls himself a quarantasinestrapede when it comes to dancing? Who, as a kid, was always picked on for being such a klutz and uncoordinated?

The cop said that he sees a lot of bikers, and few ride the way I did. He then ticked off each maneuver I made: gentle stops, smooth acceleration, steady pace, sweeping turns well within the intended lane of travel, and using my turn signals where appropriate.

The cop and I had a nice discussion about motorcycle riding. I explained that I had been riding for more than 30 years, have participated in many training courses over the years, and continue to practice my skills from time to time. I like to ride with safe riders in my club, and continue to learn a lot from them as we ride together safely.

This "bike cop surprise" was delightful, and made me feel better after a rather difficult day at work. When my partner arrived at home, I told him what happened. He smiled, hugged me, confirmed his belief that I am a good rider, then asked (because he knows me so well), "what kind of boots was the cop wearing?"

Life is short: ride gracefully!

N.B.: the photos accompanying this post were captured from a video that I put on my YouTube Channel a while back. I was dressed more warmly yesterday (tall boots, chaps, motorcycle jacket, gloves) than I was dressed in that video, which was produced in the heat of summer.


  1. And I'm still waiting for the answer... ;)

  2. Our bike cops wear scuzzy Dehner boots. I wish they took more pride in caring for them. Oh well, his smile was nice. :-)

  3. Shame he wasn't a sufficiently graceful boot-wearer for you to return the compliment. :)

  4. Agree with SJ. After all, din you say it takes just a spray of furniture polish and them dehcords can shine to blind all over again?

  5. SJ: Oh, I did compliment him on his charm and thanked him for "making my day" :-)

    Tef: yep, a quick spray of furniture polish will brighten up the shine on the plastic (Dehcord) boot shafts, but it still takes elbow grease and shoe polish to shine the foot which cops around here don't seem to do much.


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