Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cookin' In Leather

Here I am on Sunday afternoon running pasta through the pasta press from which we made several batches of home-made cheese ravioli. Simmering on the stove behind me is a huge pot of home-made pasta sauce. A homemade "scrumptious" apple pie is cooling on a rack on the counter.

The bread oven is baking four loaves of bread, three of which are intended for a few of my "elder buds" who like my home-made bread. Heck, if I am making one loaf, making a few more is very easy and quick to do.

My partner's "honey-do list" for chores around the house had abated, so I had time to bake and cook, which I love to do. My partner enjoys helping. It was a beautiful day outside; however, I was tired from being out late on Saturday night, and also I was experiencing some side-effects from the regular seasonal flu shot that I got on Saturday. Further, I had developed a rather bad case of "the trots" caused by the ice used for a soft drink served at the bar on Saturday night. Unfortunately, DC water does that to me.

So I chose to stay home and cook on Sunday, rather than get out and ride. I do not like to ride my Harley when I am not feeling well and not at peak performance. I felt divided, as I know the riding season is growing short, and there will not be many days like this when I could enjoy a ride without other obligations hanging over my head. But I just wasn't feeling strong enough.

Life is short: enjoy your home!


  1. Although definitely autumn now, we still have days when it's warm enough for shorts and sandals - so I've been "cookin' in leather" myself, of late. :)

  2. Shorts and sandals? Such heresy posted here on my blog! My goodness!

    If the weather is too warm for leather, I just go naked... with boots on, of course! (This is a G-rated blog, so no photos; plus, photos like that would be awfully frightening!)


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