Saturday, October 17, 2009

Brown Equestrian Boots

This is a little story about following links provided on the "boots on line" board. About two weeks ago, someone posted a message about an interest in patrol boots in any other color than black. I've seen tall patrol boots worn by some outfits and a certain corps of cadets who are very well known for their good-looking brown boots. However, those boots are expensive and waiting lists are long to get them. The message poster provided a link to an eBay retailer who is selling tall brown boots. So I took a look.

The eBay retailer claimed that the tall brown boots I saw were patrol boots, though the images were clearly of an equestrian boot style. They have a single strap across the instep closed with a buckle. But the boots looked interesting, and the price was reasonable, so I ordered them.

Soon enough a package from DHL was at my door. Inside was a pair of boots and a customs declaration indicating that the boots originated in Pakistan and were sent to me via Dubai. Yep, it's confirmed, Pakistani leather products are not of good quality. These boots are made of thin leather. They squeak already, and the fit is not that good. I ordered them a size larger than I usually wear, and I am glad about that. The foot size works for me, but the calf width is tight (despite the fact that they are marked "wide calf.")

Oh well, the boots look good. I'll figure a way to wear them and try 'em out on my Harley to see how they hold up. But it goes to show what I have said before about eBay: information may be accurate on the listing, but it is what is not said that makes a difference. Nothing was said about the origin of the boots, and had I known, I probably would not have ordered them. Oh well, the lesson is affirmed and my boot collection has grown by another pair. Have a look at photos of these boots on my website.

Life is short: wear your boots!


  1. Can I ask who's the manufacturer of these boots? I'm quite interested in finding some tall boots in brown leather to go with some of my flying jackets and coats.

  2. The boots are labeled "Hispar" and you can find vendors world-wide by googling "Hispar boots". You may like these boots. I am equivocal. The boots are good-looking but in comparison with other patrol boots that I own, the leather is thin (3-4oz compared with others at 6-8oz thickness). Time will tell how they will hold up as I use them -- for motorcycling.

  3. Well, I'm highly unlikely to use them for motorcycling, so the thinner leather's probably not going to be a problem. Unless it's thin enough to be torn or worn through by rope... :)


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