Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm Done

No, not done with blogging or with life, but with work this week. I have been exceptionally busy and "crashing" on a huge project that was due yesterday. After 70 hours of work this week alone, this project has consumed every friggin' moment of my time. In fact, I even had to bring it with me when I visited the mother-in-law last weekend.

My partner has almost forgotten what I look like, and he is probably appearing emaciated as he has had to feed himself these past several nights. (He still feels warm, though... I may be exhausted, but I am not dead! LOL!)

Anyway, if you have written to me lately and I have not replied, it's because I literally put everything else in my life "on hold" this week while I worked on that project. It was submitted by the deadline last night. I was "rewarded" with a day off today (Friday). Oh goodie, I can sleep really late like until 5am or something....

After I submitted the project via a complex on-line secure portal, I notified the team of professionals I was leading through this process to advise them that it was done. It's a great relief to all of us. You can hear big sighs of relief from California to Florida, from Washington (state) to Washington, DC, from Maryland to Hawaii.

In response, one of my team partners replied with these sayings, which I really liked:

Vision without Action is daydreaming
Action without Vision is wandering
Vision with Action is Destiny

Life has a way of making room for those who know where they're going

Life is short: do what you gotta do!

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