Monday, October 5, 2009

Fetish Gear Mixer

UPDATED AUGUST 2010: Unfortunately, this "CODEDC" thing has degraded into an event focused on sex. My partner and I are monogamous and don't play with others. We will not attend any more "CODEDC" events.

This is my partner and me after we returned from our Saturday night out.

The "CODEDC" party bills itself as "not your Daddy's leather scene" though it goes on to say that if you're into leather, by all means wear it, but they're also open and very welcoming to any type of gear fetish, from athletic gear to uniforms to rubber & latex to skin, and all else. Specifically, they say, "we want to make CODE a place where our younger people who may not even identify as Leather will still want to come."

Congratulations; the organizers of this event did well. My partner and I were impressed with the huge mix of guys turned out in all sorts of gear. The "guy mix" included many bear-types, as well. All of it was there -- lots of younger guys who were mostly in athletic jock gear were joined by others who were in uniforms (such as me), lots of rubber and latex, and some others in full leather. Guys with bodies to show were shirtless, and provided a nice view.

What impressed us most was how outgoing and friendly attendees were. They mixed and mingled and really talked with one another. We didn't notice as much heavy "cruising" going on as much as there was true conversation and guys meeting one another. The music at first was at a low volume, which aided in having conversations because you could actually hear what the other guy said. It got a little louder as the night went on, but it wasn't so booming that you couldn't hear someone else. While personally my partner and I don't like techno "boonga-boonga-boonga" throbbing noise, we understand that such music is what they play at these events. So be it.

While they said that there would be a visit by a drag queen, I guess we left before she arrived.

The venue is great. It is long but narrow. The bar is against a wall, so there is not the "racetrack" feeling when a bar is in the middle of a room. We even could find a place to park not that far away.

Seating was available, from couches set up in areas to facilitate conversation, to a long bench across one side of the bar. That is where my partner and I planted ourselves. We enjoyed watching everyone arriving, mingling, and having a good time. I saw a few people I knew and enjoyed a conversation with them. We left rather early, but that's characteristic of us -- we just can't handle "late" (defined as remaining awake after midnight.)

Congratulations to the organizers. If you are in the DC area on the first Saturday of the month, you should check out CODEDC. It is fun, mixed, interesting, and welcoming to people of all ages (especially the younger guys) and fetish interests.

We will not be attending these events regularly, just because we are not the type of guys to go out much any more. But we will go back sometime, when we can.

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