Saturday, October 3, 2009


What do you see in this picture? (Click on it to enlarge it if you want.)

It was sent with an email from my state's LGBT advocacy organization. The organization is promoting acquisition of license plates that show the organization's symbol and by displaying the plates on your car, you are therefore supporting the organization and its mission. Okay, fine, I get it.

But what my partner and I both noticed immediately in the photo of these guppies is their vehicles -- a late-model flashy Mercedes coupe and a Jaguar. Oh come on, gimme a break!

Sorry, guys, this has no appeal to us. We may live in Guppyville, but we find the image a display of "see my expensive toys, fellas? Haven't we 'arrived'?" (I have deleted other comments muttered under my partner's and my breath, but I think you get the point.)

I wonder what the guppy term for "keeping up with the Joneses" is. I guess I don't know, because we don't.


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