Friday, October 2, 2009

It's Leather Weather!

Of all four seasons we get in the DC 'burbs of Maryland, USA, I like autumn the best. We usually have an extended autumn, lasting from mid-September through early November. With warm(ish) sunny days and cool(ish) nights, the weather is perfect for enjoying outdoor activities. Of course, motorcycle riding is part of that mix!

Oh, BTW, I should mention that one of the best times to be a tourist in Washington, DC, is right now. Summer visitors are gone, thus making queues at tourist hot-spots much shorter. The weather is more pleasant to walk around and enjoy the sights. Prices for hotel accommodations have dropped to "shoulder season" rates. Most school groups that go on field trips to DC do that in the Spring, not this time of year when they are focusing on academics. So this is a GREAT time of year to be a tourist of our fair Nation's Capital.

During October, I have my usual obligations to my community and my cadre of "elder buds" as well, especially since it is Fire Safety Month. Once again, I have received a donation of batteries for smoke alarms, as well as some new smoke alarms, from a major home retailer which has supported my voluntary senior fire safety activities for many years. A gang of volunteers is being organized to go from home to home in mid-October to replace batteries (which need to be replaced once a year, not more often) or entire smoke alarms that have reached their ten-year life span.

During my time in Phoenix, Arizona, last week, I was giving my best friend some grief about how hot it was in late September (108°F, 42°C is just too hot!) I arrived home to find it pleasantly cool, with daytime temperatures about 70°F or 21°C, and early morning temps at 50°F or 10°C.

As usual, I prepared to ride my Harley to the Metro on Tuesday morning (and throughout this week), but discovered that with it becoming much cooler, I had to break out the riding leathers hung in my gear closet and used this time of year. Thick, durable riding chaps, my motocross jacket, and warmer gloves became necessary. I retired my summer 3/4 helmet for my full-face helmet, which is warmer, as well. I spent about 10 minutes rummaging around on Tuesday morning getting that gear out and on.

I didn't mention the boots, but of course I wear boots every day, and when I ride my bike, it's motorcycle boots on my feet. My Chip Hi-Shines have been enjoying re-entry into the daily mix, as well as my Chip Firefighter Boots, Dehner Patrol Boots, All American Patrol Boots, H-D Police Enforcer Boots... you get it. The only tall, warmer boots that I do not wear to work are Wescos. They are a bit too heavy, bold, and clunky to wear to my place of employment, which is a professional office. I will wear Wesco Boots on the weekend with casual leather jeans.

I look forward to enjoying autumn and wearing leather more often and with pride.

Life is short: wear your leather!

1 comment:

  1. It's the most wonderful time of the year!


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