Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pasta and Leather?

Here I am, in brown leather jeans and tall Wesco harness boots (you'll have to trust me to know I had on tall boots)... running home-made pasta through the press attached to my mixer.

I love to "make my own" ... pasta, bread, and other great stuff to eat. My partner and I enjoy doing this together. I roll out the pasta, cut it, and my partner applies egg white to the edges of the cut ravioli (the egg white serves as an organic "glue" to hold the pasta edges together). I put on some cheese filling, then fold the pasta onto itself.

There you have it: a raviol - o? (Is one piece of ravioli a "raviolo?" Hmmm, I have to check. Certainly, it's not a "raviolus" since I have no evidence that Julius Caesar enjoyed this pasta dish LOL!)

We did this on Saturday afternoon after I got back from my homecoming visit with my college fraternity. I peeled off the black leather and put on the brown (I change boots and leather often.) It was really yucky weather outside that day, so it was a great time to stay inside and cook. I try to "batch cook" several dishes in advance and freeze them. Then we can still have a home-cooked meal during the week when preparation time is limited.

I also made another huge batch of "salsa del Guido" -- it is Guido's 'secret recipe' pasta sauce. (Guido is my chef inspiration). The sauce is great, and goes well with the ravioli, lasagna, stuffed peppers, manicotti... you get the idea. Umm, umm, umm...

Life is short: buon appetito!


  1. Those brown leather jeans look great on you...oh, the pasta looks great too!

  2. You're looking mighty slim! I'm going to invite myself to your house for dinner!


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