Thursday, October 22, 2009

What Is Not Mutually Exclusive

To me, there are some things that people write or say that implies that they believe that the following things are mutually exclusive:
  • Being a 'biker' and being gay. I've blogged a lot about that. I am both. There are a number of gay men who like to ride motorcycles, and who enjoy the "biker presence" (however that is defined.)
  • Being gay and masculine. Yes, I am both. The former is my sexuality and the latter is my observed behavior.
  • Being gay and not being into fashion. Yep, that's me. I'm just a regular guy who prefers boots, jeans, t-shirts, and leather versus suits, ties, dress shoes, and formal wear.
  • Being gay and not being able to dance. Yes, it is true, and I am evidence of it: not all gay men know how or like to dance. (I, for example, am a quarantasinestrapede).
  • Wearing leather jeans and shirts in public (and no one saying anything). I still don't get it, but I get an email at least once each week from someone who has questions about wearing leather in public. I have blogged ad naseum about that matter. Suffice it to say that I wear full leather often in and around my community, and hardly ever does anyone say anything, or if they do, what they say is complimentary.
  • Wearing leather or denim jeans tucked into tall boots (and not being called 'gay' pejoratively for doing so). There are some who rant on various forums that "only gay guys wear jeans tucked into boots," or when they see a guy with jeans tucked into their boots, they say, "that's 'so gay'!" Oh fiddle-faddle... a demonstration of a weak mind. If you have nice boots and want to show them off, draw on your self-confidence and do it. Nobody gives a darn, and if they do, it's their problem, not yours. See my Jeans and Cowboy Boots info on my website for more details.
  • Being nice and being honest. Yes, it is possible to be both. It has to do with living up to high standards of integrity and decency. Just goes to show why my partner is my life-mate, and what my real friends are like. I value integrity and being nice about it.
I am more than weary of on-line boards and forums where some people rant about some of the above-mentioned characteristics and claim that the two cannot possibly be shown by one person. They can, they are, and they do.


  1. quarantasinestrapede

    Okay, I'm in awe. What does this mean?

  2. Quaranta = Italian for "40"

    Sinestra = Italian for "left"

    Pede = Greek for "feet"

    An American expression, "to dance with left feet" means that one can not dance. Having 40 left feet is rather bad, except when perhaps it comes to boots. (giggle)


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