Monday, November 9, 2009

The Dreaded Flu

Yep, I got it. Despite frequent hand-washing, somehow I have come down with the flu. Since I got a seasonal flu shot several weeks ago, I suspect, then, that I have H1N1. Yuck. I am so achy and sore, I feel like I have been hit by a truck. I have a fever and am congested.

I started feeling the symptoms on Saturday afternoon, so I guess it was a good thing that I did not go on that all-day motorcycle ride after all. Saturday night, I was miserable. Same with all day Sunday and Sunday night.

I did make a batch of my amazingly curative home-made Italian chicken soup. I was able to eat some of it, though I have to admit that I do not have much of an appetite.

I am resting, drinking my fluids, resting, drinking more fluids, taking aspirin, drinking fluids, and resting. Oh, I guess I should say that I am not going to work until after the fever breaks.

Please do not give me medical advice... there is enough of that in the family, thanks. I can not tolerate Ibuprofen, Motrin, Naproxin, or related NSAID OTC drugs. The only thing I can handle is aspirin. I can take acetominophen, but it doesn't do a thing for me (it does not reduce fever or body aches, so why bother with something that is not effective for me?)

My partner has been a trooper, getting juice for me and helping as best he can, yet maintain his distance. We fear, as close as we live together, that he is next.

Oh well, it goes to show that no matter how careful you are, it is still possible to get exposed to this bug.

This blog will probably go "on autopilot" for a while. I will blog again when I am better. Meanwhile, enjoy reading things that have been building up.


  1. I am sorry to know you may have the H1N1 there. My grandkid got it months ago and he got over it after a week. He was not given 'Tamiflu' as precribed to most of the adults here as he is too young to take it. Rest more, and hope you will recover soon. Warmest regards!!!!!

  2. According to the British medical folks, the body aches associated with AH1N1 are apparently different from/than those of typical flu. See if your aches fall in the typical category.

    I won't dispense medical advice; you don't need any. If the flu ain't bacterial, then other than plenty of fluids and plenty of rest, there isn't much that you can do. If it is bacterial, you might need antibiotics.

    And don't share the bug with your (Starship) trooper, ok? No one else will give you juice otherwise. ;)


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