Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ride Or Wuss Out?

I admit it... I "wussed out." That is, my motorcycle club had a ride scheduled yesterday that revisited an annual odd but fun event that I went to last year.

However, unlike last year, it was 32°F (0°C) at the time I would have had to leave my home to meet up with the others. That's freezing. Man-oh-man, that's below my limit of tolerance. I do not have heated riding gear, and do not intend to get it. While I love to ride my Harley, I have my limits. Riding in freezing weather, even with heated gear, is just no fun. Plus, this ride yesterday included going over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Man, if it's cold on the highway, it's absolutely frigid on the bridge.

So I made the tough but realistic decision not to go on the ride. Some avid cold-weather bikers may imply that the decision was an act of cowardice. Some may simply say that I "wussed out." However, I dealt with competing choices. Did I really want to be exposed to that deep morning cold for a ride? How would I feel about being gone for a whole day and not seeing my elderly aunt who needs daily attention? Would my three sweet old ladies who I take grocery shopping be able to wait a day with short notice? How would I feel about my partner struggling through his disability in doing autumn chores such as raking leaves and preparing our home for winter, which he would try to do without me?

While I would have enjoyed going on the ride, the weather contributed to my decision not to go this year. Had it been warmer, I would have worked it out. The cold really made the decision for me. The results are a cleaner yard, leafless gutters, and a happier partner (not necessarily in that order.)

After doing all the work around the house, I did get the Harley out and gas it up and take a short ride, so all was not for naught.

Life is short: do what you have to do!

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