Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Being Consumed

This time of year is always busy. My life at work transitions to doing more things than regular work, such as the going to the requisite office holiday party and attending receptions hosted by offices of local agencies and organizations that I frequent. I'm not the party-boy, but I stop in, say hi, give greetings and wish good cheer ... then skedaddle. On top of this, I have a short out-of-town business trip next week. I hope I can just fly in, meet, and get back home as quickly as I can, and not encounter travel delays.

Community-life transitions to being invited to holiday parties and other social occasions. My lovely partner, the world's #1 recluse, declines to join me, and generally, I limit the visits when possible ... but it's not always possible.

Family-life transitions to more holiday stuff as well. Four family Christmas parties before Christmas day compete with other demands for time. But I love my family, and won't be a stranger.

Home-life transitions to decorating for Christmas (we're all done, yippie!), and getting ready for my annual bread-baking that I do at Christmastime. I make a loaf of cinnamon raisin bread for all of the neighbors, plus a couple dozen senior buds. I probably go through 100 pounds of flour, if not more....

All of this is additional to regular things I do -- work full-time, and serve as a community volunteer and civic leader by night, whilst the other half of my time includes doing household handyman chores for senior friends, whilst the remaining 99% of my time includes caring for my dear elderly aunt.... not to mention my partner, and not ignoring him and his needs (just to have me with him "more than less.")

Then I finally broke down and opened a Facebook account last Friday. Gosh, that thing can be consuming. I have, however, connected with several long-lost friends from high school and college, political life, buddies from Down Under, and so on. Hundreds of "friends" have piled on within just a few days. Sheesh, I didn't know I knew so many people. I have been hearing more from younger family members who communicate regularly through that thing, and think email is such a dinosaur, they seldom use it. Oh heck, this ol' dinosaur is finally moving a bit more forward, while trying to keep those activities in check.

Add all these things together: the pressures of work-work, personal work, and holiday time are taking their toll. Thus, not much is happening on my "booted" website. I'm kinda weary and don't have much Christmas spirit (yet). I'm sure I'll "get there" soon enough. But right now, I feel like a dog just thrown into a pond, paddling ferociously.

Gosh, I haven't even done my Christmas cards yet. Thank goodness, though, I did finish my Christmas shopping back in July. Else I truly think that I would be overwhelmed.

Life is short: do what you have to do!

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