Monday, December 7, 2009

The Blue Bell

110 years ago, when my maternal grandmother was enjoying her first Christmas with her newly wed husband, he gave her a hand-blown little blue bell. You can see it here in the lower middle of this photo.

It is a cherished family heirloom that enjoys a prominent location on our Christmas tree.

When we were kids, my Mom would unwrap the little blue bell and hang it on our family's tree, and tell us the story of her mother and this little bell. It has been in our family for only three generations, and lives with me now. I cherish it. The bell brings many happy memories of my childhood Christmases, my grandmother, and my Mom.

Yesterday when my partner and I were decorating our home for Christmas, we put our tree up. We have lots of decorations -- an eclectic assortment of family heirlooms and newer pieces that he and I have acquired. But nothing means more to us than this little blue bell.

When my Mom died, she left a note: "Please ensure the little blue Christmas bell goes to [BHD]. He loved it so. It's my gift to him and [his partner], to enjoy on their tree as they begin a life in their new house."

You see, my Mom died just three weeks before the house that I built for my partner and me was completed. She and my partner planned all of its furnishings and decorations ... down to what things would look like at Christmas. I regret that she never saw our house, particularly at Christmas. But that little blue bell is her living memory which we so enjoy.

Life is short: remember happy thoughts of loved-ones.

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