Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How Does One Express His Thanks?

I am just wondering... how will I show my partner how much I sincerely appreciate all he has done for me since I was such a klutz and broke my leg?

He says, "it's what we do. Don't think anything more about it. You have been there to help me, now it's my turn."

Yeah, I know, he's right, but it is so very hard for this caregiver to be on the long-term receiving end of care.

Then I think about all of my elder buds. They are still bringing me casseroles and treats. For more than a month now... they call, come over to visit, and bring stuff. They are so sweet, so kind, so thoughtful. How will I ever be able to say thanks?

My elder buds have stepped up to help each other, at my request. Most of the time, all my older friends really need is some attention and friendship. Linking them together has been fun, and to see blossoming friendships develop has been sheer joy.

My best friend AZ calls me every weekday. It is so sweet to hear his voice and hear the love. What a treasure I have in knowing him and sharing such a deep, personal friendship.

I have my family to thank, too. They call and occasionally come by for a visit. They won't let my head get (too) filled with self-pity, angst, and frustration. They keep me well grounded, for they know that my situation is only temporary. They have a wonderful way of demonstrating that fine line of compassion and poking their brother's hot air, so he doesn't get too inflated, nor too low, mood-wise. Especially J -- he keeps me laughing and crying and smiling ... a LOT! His blog post that appeared yesterday demonstrates that. How blessed I am to have him as my very own twin-brother-best-friend.

When I am back in two boots wearing normal clothes (hopefully, leather)... how will I express my thanks?

I guess I'll do what my family and friends tell me to do: be me.

Life is short: show those you love that you love them.

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