Saturday, March 6, 2010


Late yesterday afternoon, my partner left to go to the grocery store, and I was fiddling around on the computer. I would have liked to have gone to the store with him, but I cannot walk yet due to my broken leg, so I had to stay home.

The doorbell rang. I hobbled over and let my older brother in. He chatted a bit about the weather, his kids, and stuff, but it was unusual for this particular brother to come visit, especially at this time of day. I came out and asked him, "what's up?"

He said, "I never could keep anything from you. Just accept the fact that we're kidnapping you!"


"Yep, we are taking you to R's house for our usual Friday family dinner. You haven't been there in over a month. It's time. We miss you."

I was concerned that my partner would come home and be upset that I wasn't there. My partner doesn't have or use a cell phone, so I had no way to reach him.

My brother had that all figured out. "Don't worry about your partner, he knows all about it. He will meet us there."

Whaaatttt? My partner has avoided these family dinners for years. The noise, the people, the clatter, the kids running around. It all drives him crazy. When did they speak with him? I never heard him on the phone. (My partner seldom uses the phone at all, and never takes personal calls at his office.)

Well, no matter. My life at the moment was out of my immediate control. I locked up the house and carefully hobbled through the garage out to my brother's van. He and his son helped me to get into it, very gently.

When we pulled up at my sister's house, a bunch of the family all came out. They almost carried me inside. They helped me to a recliner in my sister's family room. My partner was right there, and had a seat next to me. They waited on me hand-and-foot.

It was so wonderful to see everyone again. My sister prepared a great meal, even choosing items that were both low in calories and within the limits of what I can eat. That isn't easy to do when you're feeding 40 people. I was feeling so much better. My partner even enjoyed the event.

All too soon, it was time to go. I was getting tired, despite how energized I was feeling. My family helped me get into my partner's car. My partner had to keep reassuring them that he wouldn't need help to get me into the house. We have managed to do that when he has taken me out for doctor's appointments.

How sweet. I cherish my lovely family. I have indeed missed them. It was great to be back among the living, even for a little while.

Life is short: show those you love that you love them. My family sure did.

PS: I should have figured it out, but the family used email to plan this with my partner. That's why I didn't hear any phone conversation.

1 comment:

  1. Surprise! Even I knew this was going to happen, but I was able to keep my mouth shut and let the family surprise you. I was happy to speak with you and everyone on the phone last night when I called you at R's house, even though it was 2:00 in the morning where I live.

    We love you, bro'



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