Friday, March 5, 2010

Thanks To A Special Canadian Visitor

A person from Canada visits this blog every day about the same time of afternoon. He reads the daily blurb, but then also visits many of my past blog posts. I have over 730 posts now -- about my life, my partner, boots, leather, leather lifestyle, boots, masculinity, leather, and ... did I say, boots?

I appreciate this visitor's visits. He has led me to view some of my past work, and I have been enjoying re-reading some of my older posts, which cover a heck of a lot of content. Who woulda thunk? This blog has about 600 - 700 unique visitors each day, which is pretty good considering it's just ramblings from an average guy who has his passions, interests, beliefs, and relationships.

I believe I know who he is -- he writes a blog of his own about his work, which is very informative and intellectually stimulating. But I won't reveal who I think he is since he hasn't communicated with me directly (other than a few blog comments) and I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable. But seriously, man, you write well.

Your visits make me smile, and I appreciate the opportunity to re-read some of my musings. Gosh, it's clear that I love my partner, isn't it? My community is rather special, and I've got the best friends and family a guy could ever have.

Life is short: show your appreciation for unknown friends.

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