Thursday, May 20, 2010

Weird Email

I received the following email message:
Sub: hi booted harleydude
dear booted harley dude
how you doing
i got apartment
you are cool
my home phone number is 352-xxx-xxxx
my cell phone number is 352-yyy-yyyy
mail it your leather pants
your friend [name withheld]
I am rather understanding and accepting of all people. However, this message left me scratching my head. What did this guy want? Who is he? This is the first message I have ever received from him.

One would think, "aw, give the guy a break. He may be from another country." Generally, I would give a much wider latitude in not understanding how to write in English or communicate in a first message to someone who lived somewhere else, but this guy lives in the United States (I validated it from the IP address of the sender.)

I try hard to respond to every legitimate, non-viagra-vending-spam email message that I get. But this one left me confused and, to be honest, mildly offended.

I wrote back and said, "thanks for your message. I do not call people who I do not know on the telephone," and left it at that.

If you received such a message, what would you have done?

Life is short: resolve confusion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd probably have assumed it was rather peculiar spam, and ignored it.