Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why Do I Need To Wear Motorcycle Boots?

This was a question entered into Google and landed on my Guide to Motorcycle Boots. That Guide is about choosing motorcycle boots and reviews information about them to enable an informed decision. However, it assumes that one will wear motorcycle boots when is operating a bike.

So, why does one need to wear motorcycle boots? As a motorcycle rider with over 33 years in the saddle, these are my opinions about why a biker needs to wear boots while riding:

  • Having just broken my fibula (bone in the leg) down near my right ankle, I have learned how fragile the structure of the ankle really is. It's an amazing and complex joint. You need boots to protect that joint. Believe me, if you injure it, the recovery is long, painful, and debilitating. Of course, young guys think they're invincible so nothing will happen, but as you mature, you'll realize that your body can break. Prevent the damage that you can.
  • A good pair of motorcycle boots will reduce the impact on your feet, ankles, and legs should you be involved in a crash.
  • Motorcycles produce heat from the engine and the exhaust pipes. Boots will prevent your legs from getting burned if accidentally brushed against a hot engine or pipe.
  • Motorcycle boots are designed with good tread which will help you keep the bike stable when stationary at a stoplight or when maneuvering it into a parking spot.
  • Some wise states or motorcycle riding clubs require motorcycle riders or members to wear protective gear, including boots.
  • Boots look cool!
There are some people who complain, "boots get too hot" or "I want to wear shorts because it's hot outside" which begs wearing footwear like sneakers (or worse, sandals or flip-flops). Honestly, well-fitted and well-designed boots do not get hot on the feet, even on hot days. "Shortie" or tactical boots, such as the Chippewa Firefighter boots pictured here, provide good protection and don't get hot. In fact, these boots have been the most comfortable boots I have worn while motorcycling, which is why I still call them the best all-around motorcycle boots.

Wearing shorts while operating a motorcycle is not only stupid, it's dangerous -- not to mention the possibility of getting sunburn. Oh yeah, I forgot, kids are invincible, they're not going to get hit by another car and get thrown from the bike, or burn their legs on a hot pipe. (I heard this excuse often when I was a volunteer paramedic, and still winced every single time I brought a kid to the hospital who was injured in a motorcycle crash.)

So, why do you need motorcycle boots? Not only for protection, but also because boots are part of the image of what makes a cool biker. You want to be a cool biker dude, right? Put your boots on.

Life is short: wear boots. End-of-story.

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