I like big lug soles on my boots because they help a lot when I need to maneuver my big, heavy motorcycle in tight spots. For example, yesterday I went to our local post office, and the only parking space available was on a slight downgrade. There was so much traffic around, I couldn't back myself into the spot. I knew when I came out, it would require a lot of strength and traction to move the bike out of the space. These boots performed superbly: like a snow tire, the soles gripped the pavement and helped me to push my bike out of the space. Had my sole slipped -- even a little bit -- it would have been very likely that I would have dropped the bike. That's enough of a reason why I wear lug-soled boots when I ride my Harley.
Now... to the video. Some readers may be "of a certain age" (like me) to remember the TV show "CHiPs" that was aired from 1977 to 1983. The show featured a couple of Dehner-booted bike cops. Every now-and-then, they would have a camera trained on one of the cop's boots from behind, as he was operating his bike -- usually chasing a bad guy.
I have that image in my mind -- of a Dehner Boot on a bike while riding. I have produced similar videos like this before, but this is the first one while I am actually wearing "Dehner" (brand) boots (not something else) on this model of Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
Enjoy the "bootcam" video. Try to figure out where my camera was. I assure you, though, that my hands remained firmly on the grips, and I didn't let go. Also, I didn't have a passenger or someone riding beside me. Okay -- go figure where my camera was. I'll reveal the answer later.
Life is short: get booted and ride!
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