Saturday, August 28, 2010

Christmas Shopping Done

I'm late this year... I usually have all of my Christmas shopping done by July. I was delayed because I have been spending so much time with my aunt who has required a lot of attention. But she's better now, and stable. I have arranged 24/7 care for her, so I can attend to other matters.

The last "thing" on my list was birthday and anniversary cards for the families and loved-ones of five special seniors. (I've been doing this for a number of years). I buy cards for each of these seniors' special people, then address the envelopes, put on a "forever" stamp, and insert them in a month-by-month card organizer. It's a great gift for a senior who can't really get out to buy cards any more, but who wants to send a card for a loved-ones birthday or anniversary.

For the past two weeks, I bought 186 cards -- "birthday, male child; birthday, female child; birthday, adult male; birthday, adult female; anniversary of child's wedding; daughter-in-law or son-in-law birthday; or a "you're special" birthday card for a non-relative, but loved person. I sorted, labeled, stamped, and organized all of these cards into card organizer holders for these very special seniors in MY life. With that, my Christmas shopping is DONE!

Note: I didn't mention my partner. Of course I got him some gifts, but I did that back in April. All done... no stores, no crowds, no "bah-humbug." Just smiles and cheers of "woo-hoo" 'cause I don't have to have any Christmas shopping hassles. Yea!

BTW: I guess it's a "guy thing" that I celebrate not having to do any Christmas shopping. I know it's not a "gay thing" but as I've said before, "I didn't get those genes." (LOL!)

Life is short: plan ahead!

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