Monday, August 9, 2010

Guest Blog From The Bro'

Hey, big brother... in just a few days, a big jet will be headed your way with The Wife and me on it. Headed back to see you for our birthday. I've made arrangements to rent a Harley. Lets Go Play! One week 'til our birthday! (But who's counting?)

M and The Wife will do the girly stuff (shopping, yakking) while you and I will go explore. Revisit our youth, see our family, strengthen our souls -- as only you can do for me.

It has been a year since we've done this, yet it feels like longer. I rejoice in knowing that you and I will be spending significant time together, hangin' out, havin' fun.

Love you, bro' ... always have, always will. Can't wait!

See you soon,


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