Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Persistent Website Downtime

I truly regret that my website experienced a significant period of downtime yet again last night.

After incurring five prolonged periods of downtime within the last six weeks, I said to myself, "okay, that's it!" I called my web host, Hurricane Electric (which was recommended to me by Larry of hotboots.com), and they confirmed the server on which my website is hosted was having problems again. So I sent them an email and requested that my site be migrated off their dysfunctional server to another one. Hopefully, the new-to-me server on which my website is hosted won't have such problems.

Unfortunately, my website and my email was also down during the transition period to the new server. If you sent me a message any time from Monday afternoon until night, I haven't seen it yet, but no worries, I'll get it eventually and reply to you.

I have been very pleased with Hurricane Electric's service for many years. I have a number of websites hosted by them now. Bootedman.com is the largest, but regardless of a website's size and functionality, their reliability and affordability is what "sold" me. I think this one server downtime problem is an anomaly.

To anyone who tried to visit my website and received an error message or a message that the site wasn't there any more, I apologize. Hopefully with this migration to another server, the problem will be resolved.

Life is short: don't have unplanned downtime!

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