Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Don't Over-Boot It

Regular readers of this blog know that I only wear boots as my choice of footwear, and I am a stickler for "the right boot for the job" -- that is, when I ride my Harley, I insist on good quality, well-fitting, comfortable motorcycle boots, preferably with a big lug sole for best traction.

Yesterday was Labor Day in the United States, a holiday denoting recognizing the contributions of the American worker to society. The day also serves as the unofficial end of summer, as in our area, many outdoor swimming pools close for the season.

I led a motorcycle ride on an absolutely stunning day with spectacular scenery through Maryland's mountains on designated scenic byways. What a blast! And ... I only made one wrong turn, requiring the group turn around ... but all were good sports about it.

The day began cool, so I wore a long-sleeved shirt over a t-shirt, blue jeans, and my biker vest. I debated about wearing more leather, such as a pair of chaps, but as I was preparing to leave, it was warming up nicely. It was 72°F (22°C) when I left home, so more leather wasn't needed. It was 85°F (29°C) by mid-day, so the long-sleeved shirt came off, too.

I debated with myself about what boots to wear on this ride. I first got out my tall, leather-lined Wesco boots, and was pulling them on when I thought, "hmmm, these might get hot." My partner rolled over in bed, looked at me in the boots and said, "don't 'overboot it'." That's his expression for what he thinks my biker friends might think about tall Wesco boots worn with jeans tucked in.

I don't care much about what others think, as I make my safety and comfort top priority. If the day would get as warm as predicted, those Wesco boots would become uncomfortable as the day progressed. So I grabbed my Chippewa Firefighter Boots off the shelf and put them on.

I have raved often that I think Chippewa Firefighter boots are by far the best all-around comfortable boots for motorcycling. Indeed, they proved me correct once again throughout the long, sunny, delightful ride through twisty roads and hills with panoramic vistas.

I wish I could ride and take photos at the same time. Alas, I'm not quite skilled enough to do that. You'll have to take my word for it that it looked like this: (courtesy of the National Park Service)

Life is short: make the best of each day!

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