Saturday, November 20, 2010

Classic Bamaboy

I have the distinct honor and privilege of having developed a very close friendship with a guy who has quite a reputation for producing high-quality photos of some of his boots.  Striking, masculine, classy, and with style ... and with a charm unique to this guy whose self-deprecation belies his intelligence.  Smart as a whip, he is, but I shan't say more, else it will go to his head.

The guy I am talking about goes by "Bamaboy".  Yeah, he lives in Alabama, but is a man of the world.  Quick-witted and skilled, he continues to blow me away with his creativity and artistry.  Ooops, there I go again....

It was kinda funny how our friendship developed, but I'm glad it did.  I am also pleased to have met him in person -- and he told me that I'm the only one from the "boots gang" at hotboots/BOL who he has met in person.  He is a very private guy.  He is honorable, good to his family and loved-ones, and honest as the day is long.  Our values are parallel, and our respect for one another runs deep.

This photo was posted by Bamaboy on the hotboots/BOL board yesterday, sorta at my urging.  The board has had a "harness boots week."  He has posted this image on that board before, but so long ago that many haven't seen it.  The boots in this photo are now in my collection as Bama told me he was going to sell them, and gave me "first dibs" to buy them from him.  I wear these boots when I ride my Harley, and think fondly of my friend each time I do.  And I no longer wonder why these boots wander off into mudholes... (giggle).

Life is short:  cherish close friends, and hold them with respect and honor in your heart.

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